NEUSTAETER – City council isn’t about entertainment, it’s about work

Important housing announcements were made this week. (Image: File photo)

Councillor, City of Kamloops

FIRST, LET’S ADDRESS the elephant in the room.

If you’re hoping for a column from me as deputy mayor that spotlights the dizzying circus that rolled into Kamloops City Hall in the fall of 2022, I’m sorry to disappoint.

Coun. Katie Neustaeter.

For clarity on that, please read municipal advisor Henry Braun’s report, and then let’s hop off the ferris wheel for just a moment and pay attention to the real show.

At the beginning of this term, council unanimously adopted a strategic plan, informed by your voices, and then we went to work.

A year and a half into our term, the results of our collective vision are beginning to come to fruition. Now is a good moment to stop and acknowledge that while the plan we committed to might not be as “entertaining” as the sideshow because it’s both real and proving effective, it will remain long after the circus tent comes down.

To demonstrate, let’s look at two priority points from our strategic plan.

The first one is advocacy, safety and security.

“We proactively create opportunities to increase the inventory of diverse housing supply so that residents can access and move through the housing continuum,” the plan says.

This week, our work culminated in what’s arguably the most significant housing commitment to ever be made in our community by the province. With Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon, we announced more than 500 living spaces for people in desperate need in Kamloops — the “missing middle.”

Precariously housed seniors and families, folks with disabilities, women and children escaping domestic violence, people dreaming of a home instead of a shelter bed and folks wishing for a shelter bed instead of a riverbank can now begin to move toward secure housing.

That, in turn, will generate feelings of hope and possibility where once there was discouragement and desperation. It also will lead to improved safety in the broader community.

Add those homes to the Confluence, the units that will be added when the B.C. Builds project is made possible on the second adjacent lot, plus the approval of hundreds of units through the regular city planning process (to the credit of our development sector), and you can begin to see housing solutions forming in meaningful ways in Kamloops.

The second priority point is livability and sustainability.

“We prioritize the development of amenities to cultivate diverse and equitable opportunities for recreation, arts, and culture,” says the plan.

What’s it worth for kids in our city to have access to basic life skills like swimming lessons? What’s a reasonable cost to ensure everyone has access to ice time so we don’t miss out on the next (NHL hockey player) Logan Stankoven? What will we do if the Sagebrush Theatre, currently booked years in advance, is out of commission again and dance recitals, the WCT, the symphony, concerts etc. have nowhere to go?

What’s the plan for revenue generation and the economic spin-offs we depend on if we lose our status as the “Tournament Capital of Canada” because we don’t build the facilities we need? The list of reasons goes on.

This week the next vital steps for the Build Kamloops initiative were brought forward. The plan lays out how the critical pieces of arts and recreational infrastructure that Kamloops is so sorely lacking can become a reality, including the financial plan for how it will be accomplished.

It’s more affordable than most expected, and although we understand the strain of these economic times, we’re in an excellent position corporately to take on this exciting initiative and we can’t wait any longer. Nothing’s getting cheaper.

Kamloops is growing, whether we like it or not, and these facilities won’t build themselves. We’ve recognized our need, cast the vision and laid out the plan. The ball is in your court now, Kamloops.

These accomplishments might not be as “entertaining” as a ticket to the big top, but I hope you’re beginning to see how Kamloops is being driven to health and prosperity, not through illusions or distractions but through the strategic plan of this council, supported by city staff and the partners we rely on to make our vision a reality.

This isn’t entertainment. This is work. Like all other councils and high wire acts before and after us, we will come and go in time, but I trust whether you were drawn in by the circus or understood the work, you’ll be able to say that this time in Kamloops was anything but boring.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Several weeks ago I attended a City council meeting and proposed that council members write rotating columns and make them available to all local media. Last month, the first such column was produced; I’ve requested that be added to the mailout list and, in the meantime, I borrow the above column by Katie Neustaeter, deputy mayor for the month of June,  published today (June 26, 2024) by Castanet.

About Mel Rothenburger (10484 Articles) is a forum about Kamloops and the world. It has more than one million views. Mel Rothenburger is the former Editor of The Daily News in Kamloops, B.C. (retiring in 2012), and past mayor of Kamloops (1999-2005). At he is the publisher, editor, news editor, city editor, reporter, webmaster, and just about anything else you can think of. He is grateful for the contributions of several local columnists. This blog doesn't require a subscription but gratefully accepts donations to help defray costs.

12 Comments on NEUSTAETER – City council isn’t about entertainment, it’s about work

  1. Gary Warman // June 28, 2024 at 9:14 PM // Reply

    This article is typical of an individual gone rogue over the power she holds. Taking credit when none is due. Using her position to force through projects that the majority doesn’t want. Creating financial difficulties for many.

    The $7 million is a waste. This should have been used to repair roads. This is a safety issue and she ignores it. Many homeless and she wastes her time fighting with the mayor who sees what needs to be done. ( A mayor who is a full time employee. Councillors are part time employees)

    Given the results this embarrassing situation is, the only solution is for the resignation of all the councilors. The only one of the 9 elected persons is the mayor who has consistently worked for the city. This is integrity. I will back a politician with integrity any time. Even one that is in-experienced.

    The council has shown they have no integrity. They must resign and let someone else do what needs to be done.

    Gary Warman


  2. Coun. Neustaeter, could you please explain to us what you meant by saying the mayor crossed personal boundaries?

    I’d also like to point out that when a premier or prime minister makes a cabinet reshuffle, the ministers left out may not like it, but they don’t get together and hold a media conference dissing their leader. What makes you think it was ok to do so when you and your fellow councillors didn’t like the mayor’s standing committees?

    Finally, trying to convince everyone that the mayor is the only problem at city hall doesn’t fly with those of us who have raised children. Childish behaviour and finger-pointing (he started it! not our fault! etc) is not becoming to those elected to maturely govern.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Bob Gamble // June 27, 2024 at 12:43 PM // Reply

    Thank you, Councillor, for your piece, enjoyed the circus metaphor.  So far Council’s performance is getting rave reviews from Ravi Kahlon, the provincial minister of housing.  Minister had nothing but praise for the work Council and staff have committed to bring the 500 housing units to Kamloops.

    Minister Kahlon said “I’ve had the opportunity to meet with a lot of mayors and councils. Never have I met council who’s been so sure about what they want for their community,” 

    Couldn’t help but notice the elephant in the big tent.  No mention of clowns.  I suppose it’s better sometime to let sleeping dogs lie.    


  4. Wilma Thot // June 27, 2024 at 6:24 AM // Reply

    Unfortunately the city is still a mess. Pushing through big ticket items after the massive tax increase, when there’s been an abject failure to do much of anything about street disorder, crime, encampments and such, leaves a bad taste.

    Show the people you can fix the daily small problems like traffic, roads, trails and encampments before arrogantly asking the people to approve multimillion dollar loans. Show us you can manage simple tasks like coordinating road construction so that the entire city doesn’t end up in gridlock.

    The constant PR spin is insulting and easily seen through.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. rlmanley62 // June 26, 2024 at 6:17 PM // Reply

    This read to me was the continual, condescending drivel coming from the current council. On last nights CFJC news broadcast this same Councillor told us to get our “heads out of the sand”. Seems to me this council has their heads somewhere else I will not mention! Due to this ongoing “circus” created mostly by this council many of us are just sick and tired of it. This council does not need to keep telling us what they are doing because their actions keep detracting from that message. We the taxpayer and voter are not stupid. This need to try to deflect this councils actions seems to be falling on deaf ears. It has been said that “your actions speak so loud I cannot hear what you are saying”, certainly applies here.


  6. Mac Gordon // June 26, 2024 at 5:30 PM // Reply

    Am I the only one who found this to be a rather obnoxious read? Does the councilwoman not realize that she has a starring role in this so called “circus” or that many in the city are fed up this production, one might say it’s jumped the shark! What is the point of the theatrics of this writing, stating the case for the housing and build back Kamloops announcements are needed without the melodrama.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. rodtotten3ad77cdb14 // June 26, 2024 at 4:05 PM // Reply

    The way I see Mr. H. Braun’s report is VERY ONE SIDED with everything that has gone wrong is because of the Mayor’s comments; he has never been able to defend himself as this council has been BULLYING him every which way and until this stops the way I see this going it will be a bigger circus and the way this council is pushing PAC, yes we need it but how about getting Corporate sponsors to kick in instead of the Taxpayers ALWAYS FOOTING THESE PRODJECTS. Between the City, Province and Ottawa we are getting TAXED to death and when will it stop.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. briand5ea160264 // June 26, 2024 at 3:04 PM // Reply

    Awesome, love it!👍👏


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