LETTER – Sometimes democracy comes in a purple sweater and a walking stick

(Image: John Noakes.)

Tuesday morning June 25 was going to be another day to protest downtown near City Hall.  When I got off the bus and walked to Seymour and First, I looked across the street and could hardly believe my eyes.

There she was!  No, not Bo Derek, not Carly Simon and not even Carole King.  The purple sweater, the style of hair and the walking stick gave her away; she was my inspiration, my hope and the reason I was even going to protest.

Yes, there was the lady featured on line, now on YouTube, who was escorted out of council chambers for wanting to speak to the Mayor.  She was the one who stood between the husky male CSO who was smacking gum and the smaller but far more vocal female CSO who uttered the threat that she, the CSO, would be calling the RCMP if the lady in the purple sweater did not leave.

I introduced myself and told her that she was my inspiration for protesting.  She was kind of humble but told me that democracy was important to her.  Her father was part of the resistance movement in Europe during World War 2.  She said that our democracy came at a huge price and we cannot afford to lose it.

I couldn’t agree more.

Citizen of Westmount

About Mel Rothenburger (10484 Articles) is a forum about Kamloops and the world. It has more than one million views. Mel Rothenburger is the former Editor of The Daily News in Kamloops, B.C. (retiring in 2012), and past mayor of Kamloops (1999-2005). At he is the publisher, editor, news editor, city editor, reporter, webmaster, and just about anything else you can think of. He is grateful for the contributions of several local columnists. This blog doesn't require a subscription but gratefully accepts donations to help defray costs.

9 Comments on LETTER – Sometimes democracy comes in a purple sweater and a walking stick

  1. Wilma Thot // June 27, 2024 at 9:05 AM // Reply

    Frustrating public input via procedural rules doesn’t constitute democracy, particularly when those procedures aren’t applied in an equal and consistent manner. If I make point of order objections when a member of the public is giving input that I don’t personally like, and don’t raise those same points of order when things like time limit rules are violated, simply because I like what the member is saying, is the antithesis of a democratic process. It’s self-serving abuse, and council does that often.

    Rescinding the option for the public to submit code of conduct complaints doesn’t support democracy.

    Holding restrictive “town halls” does not support democracy.

    Not responding to email and phone concerns does not support democracy.

    Simping for council may be your personal choice, and I’ll respect it, but let’s stick to the facts.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. John Noakes // June 27, 2024 at 12:24 AM // Reply

    November 29, 2023

    The editorial by the Armchair Mayor is an interesting one.  A change had been made where the public was allowed to attend but the public cannot talk because of a new procedural bylaw.  There is no provision anywhere on Committee of the Whole agendas for public inquiries.


  3. Bob Gamble // June 26, 2024 at 7:57 PM // Reply

    Democracy is well and surviving at City Hall. The test of any democratic institution is adversity. Goodness knows this Council has had its share. Yet, Council is slowly moving the community ahead.

    To disrupt a democratic meeting that is functioning in a democratic way to draw attention to a personal grievance isn’t at all advancing or protecting democracy.

    The CSO’s were performing their duties. The fact one was large and the other a woman is an inappropriate remark and deserves an apology.


    • Mac Gordon // June 26, 2024 at 9:21 PM // Reply

      Council was in recess when this elderly lady spoke, all 8 councillors had previously left the chamber before this elderly lady, with a cane, made a peep. Since council was on recess there was no democratic meeting to disrupt yet these obviously poorly trained cso’s who were clearly in over their heads threatened and intimidated this woman, forcing her to immediately leave chambers during which it was in RECESS! All this whilst sr admin watched and said nothing to correct this illegal, disrespectful and abuse of power.

      Is this what you call advancing and protecting democracy? Watch the video then comment on who deserves an apology.

      Liked by 1 person

      • John Noakes // June 27, 2024 at 11:23 AM //

        Thank you, Mac.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Mac. This Bob Gamble guy has it all backwards.

        Liked by 1 person

      • John Noakes // June 28, 2024 at 7:52 AM //

        One might ask who trained these two CSOs so poorly? Has the time come for that person to find employment elsewhere?

        Another might ask why senior management who was present did NOTHING in response to the bullying this poor woman endured?

        From the video, it appeared as if the direct supervisor of the two CSOs filed by once the woman wearing the purple sweater was removed and threatened with arrest. Has he come to realize that his actions are now displayed on YouTube as a testament to the kind of leadership skills he demonstrates?

        Thanks again, Mac. The video and audio recorded speaks volumes.


    • rlmanley62 // June 28, 2024 at 4:11 PM // Reply

      Oh please! Your definition of democracy is certainly different than mine. For democracy to work it cannot be one sided as this council has demonstrated. There was no need to threaten and harass a senior citizen. No apology necessary. The heavy handedness of the current council has been on display since they were elected. Shame on them.


  4. Bill Hadgkiss // June 26, 2024 at 4:05 PM // Reply

    YES, FREEDOM was DIED for and May Be DEAD SOON


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