CITY HALL – Mayor banned from closed committee meetings in latest sanction

(Image: Mel Rothenburger)

Another sanction has been imposed on Mayor Reid Hamer-Jackson by members of his council and, once again, no details provided of what may have led to it.

In a news release issued this afternoon (Thursday, June 13, 2024), councillors said Hamer-Jackson will be excluded from closed meetings of select committees due to “numerous privacy breaches.”

What those breaches might be weren’t stated. The ban will be in place for 12 months unless he takes a training course, approved by councillors, on confidentiality. The news release refers to the recent Braun report as its rationale for imposing the ban.

Yesterday, the councillors announced Hamer-Jackson’s paycheque will be cut by 10 per cent because, they say, he has made misleading public comments.

Here’s the text of today’s news release, followed by the resolution approving the new sanction (as with yesterday’s release, it is on a City of Kamloops letterhead but includes no contact information for whoever issued it):

City Council Taking Action to Protect Confidential Information

Kamloops, BC—City Council takes the protection and confidentiality of City records and information very seriously. Continued and repeated privacy breaches pose potential legal and reputational risks for the City.

In consideration of the findings outlined by Provincial Advisor Henry Braun at the May 7, 2024, Committee of the Whole meeting, City Council has resolved to take further action to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the municipal corporation, our partners, and our staff.

View the Council resolution from the May 28, 2024, Closed Council meeting.

Our Council continues to protect the interests of Kamloops residents by taking all reasonable steps to prevent undue financial impacts on taxpayers and protect the reputation of our incredible community.

And, the resolution:

Council Resolutions from the May 28, 2024, Closed Council Meeting


“The Mayor has not exhibited a clear understanding of his role and its limitation – as evidenced by interactions with Council, staff and the community.”
(Top Challenge No. 11 – Misinterpretation of Roles, at page 10);

“The Mayor’s actions and statements suggest a significant underestimation of the implications of his behaviour, including potential legal and reputational damage to the council and the City.”
(Top Challenge No. 5 – Lack of Awareness of Potential Consequences, at page 9);

“The Mayor has made a number of public statements and allegations, particularly in media interviews, that could be harmful and potentially legally damaging to the City.” (Top Challenge No. 13 – Statements to the Public, at page 10);

“The Mayor has admitted to sharing privileged information outside of Closed meetings, disregarding the confidentiality protocols and risking legal repercussions.”
(Top Challenge No. 10 – Ignoring Confidentiality Protocols, at page 10);

AND IN LIGHT OF Mayor Hamer-Jackson’s numerous privacy breaches;

AND IN LIGHT OF Mayor Hamer-Jackson’s refusal to commit to complying with Municipal Advisor Henry Braun’s recommendations, including that he:

“Dedicate sufficient time to comprehend written communications, reports and official documents, which will allow well-informed decisions.”
(Recommendation No. 2 to Mayor – Improve Understanding of Official Documents, at page 11);

“Adhering strictly to confidentiality agreements and council protocols would prevent potential legal issues and protect the integrity of council proceedings.” (Recommendation No. 2 to Mayor – Respect Confidentiality and Protocols, at page 11);

“Enroll in workshops or seminars focused on enhancing leadership, conflict resolutions, and communication skills.”
(Recommendation 6 to Council – Leadership and Communications Training, at page 13);

“Seek out a consultant experienced in municipal governance or leadership who can provide guidance, and mentoring advice and constructive feedback. Provide basic education and coaching for the mayor on their roles and responsibilities.” (Recommendation 7 to Council – Mentoring, at page 13); and

“Take courses in municipal governance, ethics, and public administration to deepen understanding of the responsibilities and challenges in public office.” (Recommendation 9 to Council – Educational Course, at page 13);

Council directs as follows, subject always to applicable laws:

i) that Mayor Hamer-Jackson be restricted from attending the Closed portions of any Select Committee meetings other than by invitation;

ii) the restriction in paragraph i) above will remain in place for a period of twelve (12) months or until Mayor Hamer-Jackson has complied with the following recommendation from Municipal Advisor Henry Braun’s Report, whichever is earlier:

 Recommendation 9 to Council – Educational Course, at page 13: specifically, an educational course approved by Council that provides specific training on Mayor Hamer-Jackson’s statutory and common law obligations to respect and protect confidentiality and privacy.

About Mel Rothenburger (10468 Articles) is a forum about Kamloops and the world. It has more than one million views. Mel Rothenburger is the former Editor of The Daily News in Kamloops, B.C. (retiring in 2012), and past mayor of Kamloops (1999-2005). At he is the publisher, editor, news editor, city editor, reporter, webmaster, and just about anything else you can think of. He is grateful for the contributions of several local columnists. This blog doesn't require a subscription but gratefully accepts donations to help defray costs.

7 Comments on CITY HALL – Mayor banned from closed committee meetings in latest sanction

  1. John Noakes // June 14, 2024 at 1:12 PM // Reply

    Still no mention of the leaks of emails to the media.

    Mayor RHJ had a “footer” on his emails that stated the contents were specifically for the intended recipient(s). Yet, before he got much further than the Overlanders Bridge on his way home, the content of his one email was being broadcast over the radio media.

    Am I the only one who senses a double standard here?

    Acting Deputy-Mayor Bepple, your input please !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bob Gamble // June 14, 2024 at 10:57 AM // Reply

    Well, good luck to Council for trying to bring RHJ to heel.  It is doubtful it will work, the man is a bull in the China shop and will never change.  The good news is we have a Council that is moving the community forward with the assistance of proficient staff, both toiling under very difficult circumstances.  It’s doubtful any of them signed up for this bedlam, hats off to all them for their efforts so far.    

    What has become very apparent is the Mayor isn’t needed at all.  RHJ’s vindictiveness aside, rotating the Deputy Mayor position monthly is working perfectly well. Maybe that’s the answer.  Move RHJ to the sidelines so he can’t do anymore damage and for the next two or so years work around him.     


  3. since we are paying for this farce aren’t we supposed to get some details, cases in point type things? It is not that Mr. Hall has shown anything close to what he clamoured about at election time.


  4. Wilma Thot // June 13, 2024 at 6:30 PM // Reply

    The Mayor needs to sue council and the administration regarding the latest actions. The will of the people has been usurped, council is out of control and acting with impunity with outrageous anti-democratic actions.

    Hamer-Jackson has exposed the farce that is the Kamloops municipality and council.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Anne Evans // June 13, 2024 at 6:07 PM // Reply

    Dear God, what will they come up with next? If they would just let the facts be known, get it all out into the open, let the mayor defend himself and council defend themselves and then get on with business. What are they scared of? No more closed door meetings and behind the scenes council of 8 meetings. Everything up front and open. No more muzzling the mayor and the public.

    It is time the mayor of this city (you know the one we voted for) took matters into his own hands, as a citizen of Kamloops, and have public meetings of his own and don’t let the council members come. Let him move ahead with his mandate of cleaning up our streets and helping the homeless. That is what we voted him in for. We would like to see what he can do without the anchors he has.

    Council is bent on spending as much of our tax money as possible and they seem oblivious to the will of the citizens. They are making decisions behind closed doors that are going to cost another huge tax increase next year. Byron and his buddies are going to price Kamloops out of the reach for most of us, with their pie in the sky schemes. We voted against the PAC, yet we are getting shovels in the ground in 2 years, we certainly didn’t need the 6 th Ave bike path that nobody uses, we don’t need an outdoor skating rink as winter temperatures are rising and then there is the overrated pathway over to TRU so the adults who should be able to walk to the light, can take a short cut.

    I am pretty sure this round of closed meetings will come up with some more really expensive projects that are near and dear to the councilors hearts and our wallets.

    Here’s an idea, why don’t we get behind what our mayor has wanted to do about crime issues, how about we maintain and fix the sites we have such as St. Andrews on the Square, there has been no action there is weeks according to the seniors who live behind it, how about admin. and staff tell us the truth about stuff instead of repeating a mantra that the say over and over and expect us to believe, despite it not being so. I would like roads we can drive on without using 4×4’s, I’d like to feel safe in my own home and business, bring some of our aging facilities up to date, work together to find solutions to the homeless and drug problems in, clean up west Victoria st. so we don’t have to watch folks shoot up all day long, maybe we can have flowers in our gardens before the May long weekend when we are inundated with thousands of tourists and teams. It’s all about ordering on time and maybe leave them until the thanksgiving weekend when we have another influx of tourists. People come to Kamloops for their amazing sports facilities and for the outdoor activities. Let’s support these. While I rarely see bikes downtown, if you go out of town a bit on weekends, you will see hundreds of vehicles with bike racks parked all over the place. Our ski hills are packed in the winter. Our lakes are used for recreation all year long and our walking trails are wonderful. Lets enhance those. Every new doctor or support staff at RIH I have talked to came because of the outdoor life style we offer. A lot of what was put in years ago is looking really sad. The River’s Trail does needs some love in spots. Our community halls need facelifts and need to be promoted for more usage, (an example is St. Andrews on the Square, the city said they had to cancel 6 events this YEAR because of the fire, when it was run privately, there were at least 6 events a WEEK, another story all together).

    I do know in the next election who I won’t be voting for .

    Hopefully people with common SENSE and common PURPOSE will be on the ballot. Folks who will work together and not pout because their BFF didn’t get elected as mayor.


  6. John Noakes // June 13, 2024 at 5:48 PM // Reply

    You called this one, Mel. Sadly, should we agree that Braun has succeeded in dividing our community so badly that it will take a miracle to heal the damage?

    Are we at the point where the Province needs to dissolve our City Council, including the office of the Mayor, and schedule a new election for all 9 positions?

    My intuition tells me that is the only way out of this predicament. For the salvation of our city, all 9 must be removed from office as soon as possible.

    Liked by 2 people

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